Dr. Samantha Gomart

DVM, PhD, DipACVIM(Cardiology), MRCVS

Dr. Samantha於2011年在比利時的列日大學獲得獸醫學學位,並在該校完成實習。2016年,她在比利時的布魯塞爾大學完成了關於飽腹激素對心血管系統影響的研究,並取得了博士學位。 隨後,Dr. Samantha於2016年開始在英國的布里斯托大學接受心臟病學的專業培訓,並於2022年獲得美國獸醫內科醫師學會心臟病學科(American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine diplomate (cardiology))的認證。她曾在英國的一家大型動物醫院擔任高級心臟科醫生。 最近,她遷居香港並加入了我們。

Dr. Samantha是一位敬業的心臟科醫生,對心臟病學充滿熱情,致力為動物提供最佳的治療及護理。 她喜歡在設有多醫學專科的醫院工作,及與其他的專科獸醫合作,為動物找出最佳和適當的治療策略。Dr. Samantha還會定期為對心臟病學感興趣的獸醫提供講座,為該領域作出貢獻。

在業餘時間,Dr. Samantha喜歡戶外散步,和與她的三個孩子、丈夫及黑色拉布拉多犬共度假日時光。

Dr. Samantha 喜歡進行研究,並在多個經同行評審的期刊上發表了數篇文章,包括:

– Pre-operative use of atenolol in dogs with pulmonic stenosis undergoing interventional procedures

Gomart S, MacFarlane P, Payne JR, Hezzell MJ, Borgeat K. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 2022 May; 36(3): 877-885.

– Transvalvular pulmonic stent angioplasty: procedural outcomes and complications in 15 dogs with pulmonic stenosis

Borgeat K, Gomart S, Kilkenny E, Chanoit G, Hezzell MJ, Payne JR. Journal of Veterinary Cardiology. 2021 December; 38: 1-11.

– Long-term biological variability and the generation of a new reference interval for plasma N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide in Labrador retrievers

Gomart S, Allaway D, Harrison M, Dickson D, Seo J, Ferasin L, Payne JR, Hezzell MJ, Borgeat K. Journal of Small Animal Practice. 2020 Jun; 61(6): 368-373.

-Diagnostic value of the pulmonary vein-to-right pulmonary artery ratio in dogs with pulmonary hypertension of precapillary origin

Roels E, Merveille AC, Moyse E, Gomart S, Clercx C, McEntee K. Journal of Veterinary Cardiology. 2019 Aug; 24: 85-94.

– Leptin-induced endothelium-independent vasoconstriction in systemic and pulmonary arteries of spontaneously hypertensive rats: Role of calcium channels and stores

Gomart S, Gaudreau-Ménard C, Jespers P, Dilek O, Hupkens E, Hanthazi A, Naeije R, Dewachter L, McEntee K. PLoS ONE. 2017 Jan; 12(1).


-Pulmonary vasoreactivity in spontaneously hypertensive rats-effects of endothelin-1 and leptin

Gomart S, Damoiseaux C, Jespers P, Makanga M, Labranche N, Pochet S, Michaux C, Berkenboom G, Naeije R, McEntee K, Dewachter L. Respiratory Research. 2014 Feb 5; 15: 12.

– Pulmonary Vein-to-Pulmonary Artery Ratio is an Echocardiographic Index of Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs with Degenerative Mitral Valve Disease

Merveille AC, Bolen G, Krafft E, Roels E, Gomart S, Etienne AL, Clercx C, McEntee K. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 2015 Nov-Dec; 29(6): 1502-1509.

– Effect of physiological determinants and cardiac disease on plasma adiponectin concentrations in dogs

Damoiseaux C, Merveille AC, Krafft E, Mendes Da Costa A, Gomart S, Jespers P, Michaux C, Clercx C, Verhoeven C, McEntee K. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 2014 Nov-Dec; 28(6): 1738-1745.

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