Veterinary Referral Form Veterinarian Name Veterinary Clinic Clinic Phone Fax E-mail Clinic Address Owner Name Owner Tel. Client Number Patient Name Date of Birth/Age Sex MF Neutered YesNo Species CanineFelineOthers Breed Referral Service CardiologyCritical CareDentistry and Oral SurgeryMedical OncologyOrthopedic SurgeryPain ManagementRadiation OncologySoft Tissue SurgeryOthers Special Arrangements Necessary, Others (please specify): Reason for Request Please tell us why you are seeking this consultation. History of Present Illness Please include clinical signs, and their onset, duration or progression, and severity. Summary of Clinical Findings Please include date(s) and pertinent results. Please also send lab reports and imaging Current Treatments Please include any current or previous treatments associated with this illness and response. Specific Questions, Comments or Concerns, and Special Arrangements Details. Upload Attachments SUBMIT